Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Round Robins Conclude In Chile

So I realized I've been neglecting this blog so far this tournament so let me give you a quick update...

The tournament has been going very well for team Canada, save one somewhat important exception: our team haha. It's been an adjustment but we're steadily playing better each match. The most frustrating part has been playing just poorly enough to lose, or in the case of our second match, win by just too small a margin.

This means we will be seeded 8th going into the elimination draw and while we will face Mexico in the quarters, we will still have a good shot at making it to the final and bringing home a medal.

We are planning to do some sightseeing today so I should be able to put down a post later tonight with some pictures of the Chilean landscape! Looking forward to it and to the rest of the tournament.